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Meyer, M. L. (2023). Don't You Forget About Me: The Importance of Studying the Brain Basis of Real-world Interpersonal Memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 35(2), 149-157. Download PDF.
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Wang, W., Nepal, S., Huckins, J., Hernandez, L., Vojdanovski, V., Mack, D., Plomp, J., Obuchi, M., DaSilva, A. Murphy, E., Hedlund, E., Rogers, C., Meyer, M. L., & Campbel, A. (2022). First-gen lens: Assessing mental health of first-generation students across their first year at college using mobile sensing. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive Mobile Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 6(2):1-32, http://10.1145/3543194. Download PDF.
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Mack, D. L., DaSilva, A. W., Rogers, C., Hedlund, E., Murphy, E. I., Vojdanowvki, V., Plomp, J., Wang, W., Nepal, S. K., Holtzheimer, P. E., Wagner, D. D. Jacobson, N. C., Meyer, M. L., Campbell, A. T., & Huckins, J. F. (in press). Mental health and behavior of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal mobile smartphone and ecological momentary assessment study, Part II. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Download PDF.
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Huckins, J., DaSilva, A., Wang, W., Hedlund, E.L., Rogers, C., Nepal, S. K., Wu, J., Obuchi, M., Murphy, E. I., Meyer, M. L., Wagner, D. D., Holtzheimer, P.E., & Campbell, A. T. (2020). Mental health and behavior during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal mobile smartphone and ecological momentary assessment study in college students. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(6). Download PDF.
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